C - wklês³odruki/ Intaglio printing (blank):
C1 - staloryt/ Steel engraving
C2 - miedzioryt/ Burin (graver of gouge) engraving, notably on copper
C3 - akwaforta/ Etching
C4 - sucha ig³a/ Dry point
C5 - akwatinta/ Aquatint
C6 - miêkki werniks/ Soft-ground or other ground-based etching
C7 - mezzotinta/ Mezzotint
C8 - plastikoryt/ Intaglio engraving on linoleum, plastic and other materials
P - techniki wklês³e reprodukcyjne/ Intaglio techniques reproductive:
P3 - heliograwiura, fotogalwanografia/ Heliogravure (manual line and tone photogravure), Photogalvanography
P4 - rotograwiura/ Commercial photogravure, rotogravure
P10 - klisze/ Etched steel printing (die-printing)
X - wypuk³odruki/ Relief printing (blank):
X1 - drzeworyt sztorcowy/ Woodcut
X2 - drzeworyt langowy/ Wood engraving
X3 - linoryt/ Linocut
X4 - wypuk³odruk drukowany z grawerowanej lub akwafortowej p³yty/ Relief-printed engraved or etched metal plates, notablymetal cut
X5 - wypuk³odruk drukowany z p³yty wklês³odrukowej/ Relief-printed metal plates created for intaglio printing
X6 - wypuk³odruk drukowany z p³yty nie metalowej/ Relief-printed engraving of other materials, for example synthetic ones
X7 - kamienioryt/ (Chinese) stone stamp
Wypuk³odruki/ Relief techniques reproductive:
T - typografia/ Typography, letterpress
T1 - linotypia/ Linotype, indirect letterpress
T2 - / Photoxylography, facsimile wood engraving
T3 - stempel/ Collercial rubber stamp
P1 - cynkotypia kreskowa/ Line block (cliché) with or without photography
P2 - cynkotypia siatkowa/ Half-tone, for example photozincography
Inne techniki/ Flatbed, stencil, electronic techniques original:
L1 - autolitografia/ Autolitography
L2 - autografia/ Autography
L3 - cynkografia/ Zincography
L4 - algrafia/ Algraphy
P8 - fotografia/ Original photograph, hologram
S - szablon/ Stencil, "pochoir"
S1 - serigrafia/ Original serigraphy (screenprinting)
S2 - mimeografia/ Mimeography (dye stencil)
S3 - katazome/ Katazome (oiled-paper stencil)
S4 - / Kappa (Katazome made with persimmon juice)
CGD - / Computer generated design
Techniki reprodukcyjne:
P - reprodukcja fotograficzna/ Photographic reproduction
P5 - collotyp/ Collotype
P6 - fotolitografia/ Photolithography, process transfer lithography
P7 - offset/ Offset
P9 - serigrafia/ Serigraphic reproduction (photosilkscreen)
CRD - reprodukcja komputerowa/ Computer reproduced design
Y - fotokopia/ Photocopy
Inne symbole/ Other symbols:
U - inna technika/ Technique mot listed above, including Frottage, Chinese rubbing and collography
.../... - technika/ Number after the technical symbola = number of passagues through the press
/mon. - monotypia/ Momotype
/col. - rêczne kolorowanie/ Hand-colorued